2014年12月9日 星期二

2014年11月10日 星期一



時間:10:00 am - 12:30 pm








**有時間歡迎瀏覽我們的網站! HTTP://cisc-caregivers.blogspot.com**


If you are taking care your
family members / friends / loved one without any pay
You are cordially invited ... .........

2014 Family Caregiver Appreciation Party

Date: 25 November (Tuesday)

Time: 10 am - 12:30 pm

Venue: CISC Family Caregiver Support Center

Fee: Free

We provide FREE lunch; lucky draw, games and more ... ..

Each participant will receive a FREE gifts!!

Space is limited
You have to sign up for this event
Please call Catherine Wong 206-624-5633 X 4137 or 
Belle Fang X 4123 for registration

** Visit us at http: //cisc-caregivers.blogspot.com**

2014年10月24日 星期五







地點:CISC Family Center ( Room C ) 
            611 S Lane St. Seattle, WA 98104


如有興趣者請聯絡206-624-5633 X 4137 黃小姐,或留言此網誌。

Chronic Disease Self-Management Program

The CDSMP workshop subjects covered  include:
  1.  techniques to deal with frustration, pain, fatigue and desolation 
  2. appropriate exercise for  maintaining and improving strength, flexibility, and endurance
  3. appropriate use of medication 
  4. communicating effectively with family, friends, and health professionals
  5. nutrition, and 
  6. making informed treatment decisions

Eligibility: Unpaid family caregiver who is 18 years or older and caring for his/her loved one with chronic disease

Time: A total of 6 sessions
November 3, November 10, November 17, November 24, December 1, and December 8 
( Monday morning at 9:30 am to 12:00 pm ) 

Location: CISC Family Center ( Room C ) 
                 611 S Lane St. Seattle, WA 98104 

If you would like to join us for this workshop, please call 206-624-5633 X 4137 for Catherine Wong or leave a message here to confirm your attendance.
Our staff will give you a call to confirm the details after your registration.

Stanford Patient Education Research Center

2014年8月13日 星期三

8月26日              麥太太會主持一個講座 題目是: 五個願望

11am-12pm     Janice Kong will give us a workshop named Five Wishes
地點                            家屬照顧者支援中心
Location                       Family Caregiver Support Center 




Five Wishes meets the legal requirements for an advance directive in Washington. Just like in 41 other states, you can use Five Wishes in Washington to express how you want to be treated if you are seriously ill and unable to speak for yourself, using a document that is easy to understand. All you need to do is check a box, circle a direction, or write a few sentences. Once it is signed and witnessed, your Five Wishes is a legal document.

Five Wishes

Wish 1: The Person I Want to Make Health Care Decisions for Me When I Can't 
Wish 2: The Kind of Medical Treatment I Want or Don’t Want 
Wish 3: How Comfortable I Want to Be 
Wish 4: How I Want People to Treat Me 
Wish 5: What I Want My Loved Ones to Know

2014年8月7日 星期四

Greetings to our wonderful family caregivers,

We are excited to recruit for our 3nd and last Summer Field trip of the year ---- Blueberry picking!

Date:          Aug 12, Tuesday, 2014
Activity:   Blueberry picking
Location:  Mercer Slough Blueberry Farm
                  2380 Bellevue Way SE
Time:        10 AM – 1:30 PM
Free entrance.

We will meet up at China Gate at around 9 AM, and take bus to the blueberry farm. Please have breakfast before you come, dress casually & comfortably, and prepare round trip bus fare and snacks for lunch.

If you would like to join us for this field trip, please call 206-624-5633 X 4324 for Ruby Kwong, or 206-624-5633 X 4123 for Bella Fang, or reply to this e-mail to confirm your attendance.
Our staff will give you a call to confirm the details after your registration.
Thanks for your support!


仁人服務社 家屬照顧者支援計劃 誠意邀請您及您親愛的人一同參加我們今年度第3次的戶外活動---- 藍莓採摘

活動日期:   2014812 (星期二)
活動地點:BELLEVUE 藍莓農場
Mercer Slough Blueberry Farm
                          2380 Bellevue Way SE
集合地點: 中華門牌坊/藍莓農場門口
集合時間: 早上大概9時/早上10時正
解散時間: 下午130
206-624-5633 X 4324 鄺小姐/ 206-624-5633 X 4123 方小姐, 或回覆此郵件。


2014年7月10日 星期四

We are excited to
recruit for our 2nd Summer Field trip---- 
Woodland Park ZOO !

Date: July29, Tuesday, 2014
Activity: Woodland Park Zoo (750 N. 50 Street, Seattle WA 98103)
Time: 10 AM
Free entrance, first come first serve.

We will meet up at China Gate at around 9 AM, and take bus to the Zoo. We will tour the Zoo, have lunch, group games, and return to CISC around 2 PM.  Please have breakfast before you come, dress casually & comfortably, and prepare round trip bus fare and snacks for lunch.

If you would like to join us for this field trip, please call 206-624-5633 X 4324 for Ruby Kwong, or 206-624-5633 X 4123 for Bella Fang, or reply to this e-mail to confirm your attendance.
Our staff will give you a call to confirm the details after your registration.
仁人服務社 家屬照顧者支援計劃 誠意邀請您及您親愛的人一同參加我們今年度第二次的戶外活動---- 參觀動物園

活動地點: 活輪動物園 (50街北 , 750 / 750 N. 50 Street, Seattle WA 98103)
集合地點: 中華門牌坊/活輪動物園正門
集合時間: 早上大概9時/早上10時正
解散時間: 下午2時
, 先到先得
206-624-5633 X 4324 鄺小姐/ 206-624-5633 X 4123 方小姐, 或回覆此郵件。

2014年7月3日 星期四

It can be difficult to discuss about Will, Trust and Durable Power of Attorney with your family, but such a plan ensures that your family and financial goals are met after you die.  Dying without having a will, your asset could possibly be under control by the government/state.  By setting up a will/trust can also help dispel potential conflicts after you’re gone. I am writing to invite you an upcoming FREE seminar to learn more about this complicated topic.

Date: July 8th Tuesday
Time: 11am- 12:30pm
Venue: Family Caregiver Support Center ( CISC 3/F )
Speaker: Aris Huang, University of Washington Master in Law


地點:家屬照顧者支援計畫中心(仁人 服務社3樓)

如有興趣請聯絡206-624-5633 X 4324 鄺小姐/ 206-624-5633 X 4123 方小姐。

2014年6月24日 星期二

Thank you all for joining our visit to Seattle Aquarium.  We hope you all had a great time with us! We are looking forward to seeing you all on the next field trip to Woodland Park Zoo on July 29th 2014.  

For yesterday’s photo, please go to the following link,

感謝大家 參加我們西雅圖水族館參觀活動。希望大家有一個愉快時光!我們期待著下一次跟大家一起去玩的機會- 2014729 活輪動物園。

2014年4月25日 星期五

Today's Caregiver Family Checklist

The most loving gift a person can give to one’s family is to put your affairs in order before a disaster or medical emergency. To assist in providing that gift, Today’s Caregiver has compiled the following list. The information and documents you should have prepared:
·         All bank accounts, account numbers and types of accounts and the location of banks.
·         Insurance Company, policy number, beneficiary as stated on the policies and type of insurance (health, life, long term care, automobile, etc).
·         Deed and titles to ALL property.
·         Loan/lien information, who holds them and if there are any death provisions.
·         Social Security and Medicare numbers.
·         Military history, affiliations and papers (including discharge papers).
·         Up-to-date will in a safe place (inform family where the Will is located).
·         Living Will or other Advanced Directive appropriate to your state of residence.
·         Durable Power of Attorney.
·         Instructions for funeral services and burial (if arrangements have been secured, name and location of funeral home.)


 給自己家人最好的禮物就是於意外 (緊急醫療情況)發生 之前把諸事安排妥當。






2014年2月28日 星期五

張醫師 將為本中心之家屬照顧者免費提供一小時的
醫療講座,題目為 <碘和甲狀腺>。 

日期:3月4日 星期二

2014年2月4日 星期二

Dear all,
Year of Horse is coming! Our Family Caregiver Support Team wishing you and your family good health and happiness in life today and always!
To celebrate Lunar New Year, CISC is hosting a fundraising event (Walkathon) on Saturday, February 8th at Bailey Gatzert Elementary School in Seattle International District Area. Live cultural entertainment and games, free prizes, and lots of exciting family fun in the auditorium are involved!

CISC is a non-profit organization which helps literally thousands of seniors each year at 11 different sites across King County stay physically healthy, mentally active and emotionally engaged with its wide variety of programs and activities. We need your help! Please consider making a donation todayJ No amount is too small, and whatever you can give will be greatly appreciated.

It will be our honor to have you in our team! Please join our Family Caregiver Support Program team either by walking with us, or be the sponsor to The Team with the following link: http://ciscwalkathon.kintera.org/faf/search/searchTeamPart.asp?ievent=1089770&lis=1&kntae1089770=3AEE469349A74F7DBF51F6B70B36D83B&team=5804611 

Prefer not to walk, but would like to sponsor our team,
1         1.    Click on the link
     2.       Choose: General Team Donation
     3.       Pay by credit/debit card
 Join our team and walk with us!!
  1.               Click on the link
  2.           Choose: Join our team
  3.       Read and agree the waiver
  4.       Choose a username and password

P.S. You will also get a free t-shirt and a raffle ticket by participating!!
For any question, please contact Ruby Kwong 206-957-8521 / rubyk@cisc-seattle.org






活動詳情 網上登記:

1.      : General Team Donation
2.      信用卡付款
1.       : Join our team
2.       閱讀及同意協議書
3.       設定用戶名稱 密碼

所有參與者會有1件精美T-SHIRT及抽獎劵! J