Today's Caregiver Family Checklist
The most loving gift a person can give to one’s family is to put
your affairs in order before a disaster or medical emergency. To assist in
providing that gift, Today’s Caregiver has compiled the following list. The
information and documents you should have prepared:
· All bank
accounts, account numbers and types of accounts and the location of banks.
· Insurance
Company, policy number, beneficiary as stated on the policies and type of
insurance (health, life, long term care, automobile, etc).
· Deed and
titles to ALL property.
· Loan/lien
information, who holds them and if there are any death provisions.
· Social
Security and Medicare numbers.
· Military
history, affiliations and papers (including discharge papers).
· Up-to-date
will in a safe place (inform family where the Will is located).
· Living Will
or other Advanced Directive appropriate to your state of residence.
· Durable
Power of Attorney.
· Instructions
for funeral services and burial (if arrangements have been secured, name and
location of funeral home.)
家 屬 照 顧 者 清 單
給自己家人最好的禮物就是於意外 (緊急醫療情況)發生 之前把諸事安排妥當。
•說明殯儀服務和埋葬(如果已有安排,說明殯儀館名稱和位置。 )