2013年12月11日 星期三

The Family Caregiver Support Program offers information, support and services to unpaid caregivers caring for an adult 18 years or older. Services may include: assistance, consultation, education and training, support groups, counseling, respite care and more.*

家屬照顧者支援計劃 ( 華盛頓州 ) /
Family Caregiver Support Program in Washington State :

家屬照顧者支援計劃 ( 金郡 )
Family Caregiver Support Program in King County :

關於家庭照護者 指南和核對表
Guides for All Caregivers :





  • 記憶力衰退,令患者未能同時記着多項資料以作出相應回答
  • 判斷能力和理解能力減低,以致不能執行較複雜指示
  • 較難集中精神
  • 情緒較易波動或發怒


  • 說話太快、聲調太高,對患者構成壓力。
  • 說話內容過多,令訊息變得太複雜;或太多不必要的動作,使患者分心或誤會
  • 由於身心疲累,產生沮喪、失望或不耐煩的情緒
  • 不適當的語調,例如:大聲說話會使患者誤會受到責備或遭受不禮貌對待


  • 噪音滋擾
  • 光線不足


  1. 保持環境寧靜,減低噪音的干擾,有需要時可先關掉電視機或收音機。
  2. 應與患者面對面,保持眼神接觸,確定取得患者注意。
  3. 說話時語調要平穩及緩慢,如患者有聽覺問題,可使用助聽器及面對着他說話,不宜高聲或急促說話。
  4. 說話要精簡,每句話只帶有一個訊息。避免用代名詞如「他」、「他們」、「這裡」、「那個」等,應以人名、地名或物件名稱作直接溝通。減少用抽象的概念,例如:「飢餓」、「口渴」是抽象的,「吃飯」和「喝水」是具體的。
  5. 問題要簡單,每次只提出一個問題,答案不宜多於兩個,避免讓患者有多項選擇,例如:「你吃蘋果或橙?」比「你喜歡吃什麼水果?」較為好。
  6. 留心觀察患者的表情、音調及動作,例如:開心、痛楚等,以便作出合適的反應及提示。適當時,用微笑和點頭給予患者鼓勵和認同。
  7. 當患者忘記整句句子時,可以重複句子最後部份,以作提示。
  8. 需要時,展示將要進行活動的物品,並配合動作解釋。例如: 拿着毛巾、肥皂及衣服,提示患者將要沐浴。
  9. 談話時間不宜太長,因患者的集中能力較低。
  10. 當患者不能集中精神時,可輕拍其手臂,呼叫其名字,著其休息一會,或喝杯水,以緩和精神及恢復注意力。






2013年12月3日 星期二

讓我們學習在飲食方面新的意見和方式, 根據新
, 每人可以自由選擇自己的飲食習慣

時間 : 11 am - 12 : 30 pm
日期 : 1217日開始
地點 : 仁人服務社 3
講員 : Melody Cheng
費用 : 全免
語言 : 國語

有意參加者請致電 206-624-5633 內綫4324鄺小姐/ 4123方小姐

2013年12月2日 星期一

Family Caregiver Thanksgiving & Appreciation Party

Written by Mr. Paul Zhou Zeng Zhong
Translation: Ruby Kwong 

Due to various structural changes within the Family Caregiver Support Program at CISC, the program is now composed by “a senior leader with two juniors”. Mrs. Mak and the two newly joined members, Ms. Fong and Ms. Kwong, are named as “the Happy Three People Team”.  A big event, the 2013 Family Caregiver Thanksgiving & Appreciation Party, happened not long after the program gets reformed. The Family Caregiver Support Program organized a party on 26 Nov, 2013, how did the event go? It was not even 10 a.m. when the event gets started; guests were already arriving one after another.  Everyone was invited to check-in at our temporarily built “front desk” to sign up for attendance, raffle ticket, and get some upcoming event flyers. Twenty 5lbs rice voucher were given in a first come first served basis for those who arrived early. The front desk was in charged by one of the program volunteer, but Ms Fang was there whenever there was a long queue, and the crowd would be efficiently dismissed with Ms Fang’s help.People in line were not only participants but also hosts who brought various dishes of their choices. The dining table was immediately filled up with all sorts of yummy dishes!At 10:15 a.m. when everyone were seated, Mrs. Mak started the day by giving a speech thanking everyone for their hard work as a caregiver, as well as showing President Obama’s proclamation regarding to the Caregiver Month.After three exciting games, the crowd were divided according by their native language, i.e. mandarin, and Cantonese. With some guided questions, such as “what’s your name?”, “how long have you been in the U.S.?”, “where is your home town?”, etc, everyone got a chance to self-introduce and slowly get to know each other.With one and a half hour long of excitements and involvements, here came our lunch time! All guests were in great manner even though it was so hard to resist the food. While the stomachs were all making noises, everyone took turn according to the best arrangement. Mrs. Yu, an employee of CISC, came during lunch period with a presentation on President Obama’s Affordable Care Act starting from 2014. One important highlight of this event was the professional photographer with her nice and professional camera capturing all of the precious moments during the party.Right before stepping out the event center, everyone received a bagful of souvenirs/gifts, and had a great photo shoot with their victory hand sign, big smile, and gifts in hand! It was such a great ending!With this big “exam”, how would you score the performance of “the Happy Three People Team”?



原文: 周增鐘 

由於種種的人事變動,仁人服務社家屬照顧者支援計劃現在的格局是一老帶二新,也就是由留任的麥太帶著方小姐和鄺小姐組成歡樂三人組來擔此重任。剛剛重組完畢,就遇上了感恩大節。20131126日星期二,歡樂三人組精心安排的感恩節午餐會,效果如何呢?10點還沒有到,嘉賓們已迫不及待地陸續光臨。他們先被請到臨時架設的前臺:簽到、填寫抽獎券、取活動資料…… 還有二十張5磅的米券,供有需要者先到先得。前臺雖由義工照看,但是一有人龍出現,方小姐必定支援,使人龍能夠迅速地過關入場。整個入場式,立馬給人忙而不亂,井井有條的感覺。入場的人龍,不但是參加者,而且還是主人翁:帶來了各式各樣的食品,在長長的餐桌上擺得琳琅滿目:烤鴨、炒面、鍋貼、珍珠粥、蛋糕、水果……再加上歡樂三人組原本準備好的食品,把餐桌堆得盆滿鉢滿。隔壁是電腦室,參加活動的人們見這兒熱氣騰騰,也有人乾脆移步到這裡來了。1015分,人已齊,麥太就致歡迎詞宣佈開幕。她特別介紹了:歐巴馬總統的醫療改革,以及作為美國政府規定的家屬照顧者月 11月。接下來, 是在悠然自得的鄧麗君歌曲聲中的集體遊戲。遊戲分三種:第一種是貓捉老鼠。也就是大家坐成一個圓圈互相傳遞二個氣球。若是二個氣球在同一時間落在同一人手中,這位來賓就輸了。遊戲進行三次,就產生三位受罰者。再讓受罰者抽三個信封,來決定是罰唱歌還是罰其他。有一位嘉賓最有趣:他不但能學公雞喔喔啼,還能維妙維肖地學母雞下蛋。第二種是猜皇帝。就是任意兩人組合玩剪刀、錘子、布,贏的人就是皇帝,輸的人就拉住贏的人的衣服跟在後面,成為皇帝的僕從。皇帝再和另一個皇帝玩。輸了的皇帝,連同所有的僕從都拉住最後一位的衣服成為新皇的僕從。最後,一位女士竟然勝出,成了最後的皇帝。第三種是大風吹。每當主持人講出一個特徵時,符合這個特徵的來賓必須站起身來換新的位子。只聽得主持人喊話:紅色衣服在美超過十年”……,來賓們就一次次地重新找座位組合。最後主持人說:有手有腳。於是全體站起來找座。大家就在這種嘻嘻哈哈、熱熱鬧鬧的氣氛之中,多多認識了新朋友。三種遊戲過後,所有的人分成四組:國語兩組,粵語兩組。由工作人員發問,轉圈式地一一回答。問題有:姓名?在美國住多久?從何處來美?”……。一圈又一圈地講下來,大家就進一步互相熟悉了。抽獎肯定是全場的高潮。獎項分五等,從低到高逐一抽出。得獎的固然高興,參與者也熱情鼓掌祝賀。陳小姐雖然因工作需要而調到另外的組別去工作,但是對本組還是念念不忘。她特地回來一展歌喉助興。不知不覺,大家已經興致勃勃地玩了一個半鐘。肚子也有些餓了。麥太宣佈開飯。來賓很有修養:絲毫沒有爭先恐後,而是按座位魚貫而入。SHIBA小姐趁機宣傳歐氏健保,讓大家邊吃邊聽,利用吃飯的時間聽一下歐氏健保的大概意思。值得一提的是:還有一位很專業的攝影師,用很專業的相機,捕捉了許多美好的鏡頭供大家回憶。臨走,每個人還有一袋禮物代代平安。攝影師也替每一位來賓拍攝一張紀念照:一手提著禮物袋離開,一手做個勝利的手勢,留下滿意幸福的笑容。這場大考歡樂三人組能得滿分嗎?您說呢?

2013年11月27日 星期三

每周二我們都會開放本中心給大家光臨, 而十二月份的活動時間表已準備好了!! 如果大家對活動 ( 例如: 興趣班, 電腦班, 英語班, 等等) 有什麼提議, 歡迎隨時告訴我們 :) 

2013年11月22日 星期五

為了方便大家保存照片,以後活動照片都可以從本網頁下載 !
For your convenience, our event photos will be uploaded to this website, feel free to save a copy !

慢性疾病自我管理課程 畢業禮 11/18/13
觀健安護老院 2013
藍莓採摘 2013
新年聯歡會 2013 

2013年11月18日 星期一

Family Caregiver Handbook

The following link is a Family Caregiver Handbook which provides useful and important information.  Hope it helps!

Table of Content

-Changing Roles and Relationships
-Providing Day-to-Day Care
-Safety in the Home
-Enhancing Daily Life
-The Emotional Challenges of Caregiving
-Where to Turn When you need Help
-Choosing Residential Care: When Care at Home is no Longer Possible
-Paying for Services or a Care Facility
-Planning For Tomorrow
-Ordering Publications
-Aging and Long-Term Support Administration Website

Source: Washington State Department of Social and Health Services

2013年11月14日 星期四

National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program
The Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act of 2010 (CVAA) authorizes the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to provide up to $10 million annually for local programs to distribute communication equipment to low-income deaf-blind individuals. The goal is to provide them access to communication tools like email, text, and call using modern technology to interact with the world as an involved member of society.

Types of FREE Equipment Available:
• Braille Devices: Braille Display & BrailleNote
• Computers & Tablets
• Software: ZoomText, Jaws, Window-Eyes, etc.
• Phones: Smartphones, Amplified Phones, Cap Tel, etc.

Hearing & Visual Loss Prerequisites:

1. Have a central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with corrective lenses, or a field defect such that the peripheral diameter of visual field subtends an angular distance no greater than 20 degrees, or a progressive visual loss having a prognosis leading to one or both these conditions.

2. Have a chronic hearing impairment so severe that most speech cannot be understood with optimum amplification, or a progressive hearing loss having a prognosis leading to this condition.
Income Eligibility:
Applicant must meet income requirements that do not exceed 400 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. Example: below $44,680 for 1 person or $60,520 for 2 people.
Contact Angela Theriault at atheriault@seattledbsc.org or 206-257-2754
at the Deaf-Blind Service Center for more information or to apply.

2013年11月12日 星期二

一年一度的 國家家屬照顧者月 又到了,

2013年11月11日 星期一

2013年8月2日 星期五

Taking Care Of Mom & Dad

照顧家屬是一件不容易的事情! 尤其是那些已經擁有自己的家庭和工作的家屬,還需要照顧自己年紀老邁的父母,就好像身兼多一份全職的工作。



請按此觀看: Taking Care of Mom &Dad

2013年7月11日 星期四



日期: 7/30/13 (星期二)

時間: 上午9時至下午1

地點: Mercer Slough Blueberry Farm
2380 Bellevue Way SE Bellevue, WA 98004

集合地點: 9時正於中華門集合;或者9:45
South Bellevue Park and Ride (公車211, 240, 241, 342, 550, 555, 556, 560)


1.     請穿著方便衣服和鞋子,並攜帶午餐、

2.     藍莓場是免費入場﹐但採摘並購買的藍莓



2013年7月3日 星期三



7月份內容豐富!除了日常進行的 “氣”和 “健康大踏步”外﹐7月份將會開始一個月一次男女分開的輕鬆小組、兩節的電腦入門課程-電郵和博客使用、「防止摔倒工作坊」、和暑假戶外郊遊之藍莓採摘之旅


2013年6月5日 星期三



2013年5月21日 星期二


*李景晨老師逢星期三上午9時至10時30於North Bellevue社區中心教授以上活動
North Bellevue Community Center (4063 148th Ave NE, Bellevue WA 98007)

2013年5月15日 星期三


仁人服務社 (CISC)
(206) 624-5633
健安社區服務網 (Kin On Comm)
(206) 652-2330
健安療養院 (Kin On SNF)
(206) 721-3630
松柏樓 (Legacy House)
(206) 292-5187
國際診所 (ICHS)
(206) 788-3700
亞裔人事輔導中心 (ACRS)
(206) 695-7600
(206) 684-0660
211 社區資源熱線電話
(206) 461-3200
(M-F 8-6)
(206) 461-3222

2013年5月1日 星期三







2013年4月26日 星期五

Giving Care, Taking Care Conference

Challenges in Caregiving -
Giving Care, Taking Care: A conference for family caregivers

 June 3, 2013

9:00am – 4:30pm • Tukwila Community Center
Caring for an elder or an adult with Disabilities?
Learn more about: 
  • Managing medications at home
  • What you need to know before a hospitalization
  • Health benefits of humor & reducing stress
  • Coping with feelings of grief, loss, &depression
  • Legal issues in caregiving  
  • Behavior strategies with developmental disabilities and dementia
  • And more…
Early Registration Deadline
Reduced fee through May 15, 2013
$30 – family and volunteer caregivers
 $50 – agency-based community caregivers
Limited space – you must pre-register, there is no registration at the door.