張醫師 將為本中心之家屬照顧者免費提供一小時的
醫療講座,題目為 <碘和甲狀腺>。
日期:3月4日 星期二
長久以來,照顧年老的家庭成員是中國的傳統,家屬照顧者每每用大量的時間、金錢、精神、體力來照顧家中的長者,而當中如有患病或殘障的,便更難照顧了。 在美國,多達五千四百萬人是家屬照顧者。根據國際家屬照顧者協會的資料,每星期用逾二十小時來照顧家庭的人,會受到抑鬱症困擾。儘管家屬照顧者是出於善意,但他們也會承受照顧家中長者的壓力,而引致身心疲累。 仁人服務社明白在這個節奏急速的社會裏,要照顧在你家中至愛的長者是一種挑戰。透過西雅圖市政府的耆老和殘障部門的撥款,仁人服務社協助非受薪、對照顧年老父母或家人有困難的家屬照顧者,安排一個迎合你需要的服務計劃,讓你的家庭得到適當的服務。
2014年2月28日 星期五
2014年2月4日 星期二
Year of Horse is
coming! Our Family Caregiver Support Team wishing you and your family good
health and happiness in life today and always!
To celebrate
Lunar New Year, CISC is hosting a fundraising event (Walkathon) on Saturday,
February 8th at Bailey Gatzert Elementary School in Seattle
International District Area. Live cultural entertainment and games, free
prizes, and lots of exciting family fun in the auditorium are involved!
CISC is a
non-profit organization which helps literally thousands of seniors each year at
11 different sites across King County stay physically healthy, mentally active
and emotionally engaged with its wide variety of programs and activities. We
need your help! Please consider making a donation todayJ
No amount is too small, and whatever you can give will be greatly appreciated.
It will be our honor to have you in our team! Please join our Family Caregiver Support Program team either by walking with us, or be the sponsor to The Team with the following link: http://ciscwalkathon.kintera.org/faf/search/searchTeamPart.asp?ievent=1089770&lis=1&kntae1089770=3AEE469349A74F7DBF51F6B70B36D83B&team=5804611
It will be our honor to have you in our team! Please join our Family Caregiver Support Program team either by walking with us, or be the sponsor to The Team with the following link: http://ciscwalkathon.kintera.org/faf/search/searchTeamPart.asp?ievent=1089770&lis=1&kntae1089770=3AEE469349A74F7DBF51F6B70B36D83B&team=5804611
Prefer not to
walk, but would like to sponsor our team,
1 1. Click on the link
2. Choose: General Team Donation
3. Pay by credit/debit card
Join our team and walk with us!!
2. Choose: General Team Donation
3. Pay by credit/debit card
Join our team and walk with us!!
- Click on the link
- Choose: Join our team
- Read and agree the waiver
- Choose a username and password
You will also get a free t-shirt and a raffle ticket by participating!!
For any question, please contact Ruby Kwong 206-957-8521 / rubyk@cisc-seattle.org
活動詳情 及 網上登記:
General Team Donation
1. 選: Join our team
2. 閱讀及同意協議書
3. 設定用戶名稱 和 密碼
所有參與者會有1件精美T-SHIRT及抽獎劵! J
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